How to crack & become GATE-2023 topper
Hello, CH-GATE aspirants. Today we will understand the GATE exam pattern.

GATE exam needs strategy. So, we have to prepare with a very good plan.
Before we jump on to the preparation we have to go through four things;
Subject-wise marks Distribution
Topper marks
Herein this post, we will discuss the last three points one-by-one.
Subject-wise marks distribution

This will help you to decide the subjects that you want/have to prepare according to your future dreams like PSUs, higher studies, etc. You can choose subjects on the basis of cutoff and topper marks.
2. Cutoff

This data will help you to decide your minimum marks requirement. So, you to prepare atleast this much to crack the upcoming GATE.
3. Topper Marks

This point is suggesting that you don't need to prepare the whole syllabus but "whatever you prepare, prepare it best".
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That's it for today. Wish you all the best!!
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